How To Keep Your Car Looking Great

Everyone loves having a good looking car to drive around in, but not many people take the proper time and care to keep it in tip top condition. This is a great shame, as with a little effort your vehicle could look as good as new in no time at all. Not only can you make your car look good, but you’ll also help to increase the car’s value when you come to sell it, as a buyer can usually tell the difference between one that’s been well maintained and one which has been neglected. Here are some tips for keeping your car looking great all year round.


It’s advised to start from the inside out, as you’ll probably get messy after washing the outside. Take out all the items of rubbish that are littered on your seats, pizza boxes, crisp packets, etc, then get the vacuum and collect all the smaller pieces such as dirt and dust. For plastic areas such as the dashboard, a cloth that’s been lightly dampened with water will do. You can also use a mild detergent as long as it’s rinsed off any of the surfaces you’re applying it to. Take out any car mats and clean them outside, to ensure you don’t miss any bits of dirt.


Wheels should be attempted early as the cleaning solution is harsh, and you’ll need to make sure it’s washed off later on. Use special alloy wheel solution and follow the instructions before rinsing, and if there is any dirt left then use a soft bristled brush to remove it. An old sponge coupled with car wash solution can be used for the smaller crevasses.


To remove the dirt from the body of the car you can use a hose or high pressured jet. Make sure you do this before trying to use a sponge, as sponge will not only just push the dirt and grit around, but can scratch your car with the grit you’re rubbing into the paint work. Once you’ve hosed the car down, mix a car wash solution with water and use a sponge (a different one to the sponge you washed the wheels with) to scrub the car from the top to the bottom. Work your way round by rubbing in circles, finishing with the bumpers. After getting all the residue off the body work you can take a micro fibre shammy and dry up any excess water.

Finally you can move onto the waxing stage, by applying it in a circular motion using a cloth. After it settles for a few minutes you can check for any powder residue by swiping your finger along the body work, wiping it down with a second cloth if necessary. Now it’s time to take your clean car out on the road, avoiding any big puddles on your way!

It’s important to take proper care of your car, but it’s also vital to know the right numbers to call if your vehicle is ever in trouble. When you’ve accidentally filled your tank with the wrong fuel, make sure you get in touch with Wrong Fuel Expert, the professionals who can help to get your newly cleaned car back on the road.